Kenshi Yonezu released his new single "Chikyūgi" (Globe) on digital services July 17. The song serves as the theme of Studio Ghibli's highly anticipated latest animated movie The B...
Hai-iro to Ao (Gray and Blue) is a song by Kenshi Yonezu and Masaki Suda. It was included in Kenshi Yonezu's fourth album Bootleg which released on November 1, 2017.
Lemon is a song by Japanese singer-songwriter Kenshi Yonezu, released as a single through Sony Music Entertainment Japan on March 14, 2018. It is the theme song for the TV series U...
Since the Windsong Lyre is limited to only 21 notes, Uchiage Hanabi sheet music is not 100% true to what the original sounds like. Welcome to download Genshin Impact Windsong Lyre ...
KICK BACK is sung by Japanese musician Kenshi Yonezu. And it is used as the opening theme song for the anime television series adaptation Chainsaw Man.
Pale Blue is sung by Japanese musician Kenshi Yonezu. It is used as the theme song for love drama Rikokatsu, also named How to Get a Divorce for the Whole Family.
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Total 22 Sheet Music, Singer/Author: Kenshi Yonezu
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